Prostate Conditions, Disorders and Diseases

This site is about erotic prostate massage and is NOT intended as a medical resource!

Here is some general information about prostate conditions that may affect your sexual health. If you have any concerns, see your doctor immediately.

Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH)

BPH is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate. This occurs when healthy prostate cells multiply, and usually occurs in the center of the gland, compressing the urethra and leading to difficulty in urination. The new cells tend to have more muscle and fibrous tissue in proportion to healthy prostate cells.
While many men experience some degree of prostate enlargement as they age, it is not inevitable, and lifestyle has been found to be a major factor in higher, debilitating levels of BPH.


Prostatitis is a class of prostate conditions all associated with inflammation of the prostate. Sometimes, the inflammation is caused by a bacterial infection. Much of the time, however, the cause of prostatits is not known and the condition is often hard to treat. Medical research is currently underway to investigate new treatments for prostatitis. Prostatitis most often occurs in men 25-45 years of age, and is a common urological diagnosis in this population.

Prostatitis is classified into several main types:

  •  Acute bacterial prostatitis is marked by a sudden infection of the prostate gland, often caused by a bacterial infection. Symptoms may include fever and chills, pain in lower back or rectum, and/or urinary difficulty.
  • Chronic bacterial prostatitis is diagnosed when the prostate gets inflamed repeatedly over time. Symptoms may be similar but milder than acute prostatitis, and can last longer.
  • Nonbacterial prostatitis is diagnosed when inflammation of the prostate for which the cause of the inflammation cannot be found. Most prostatitis diagnosed is non-bacterial. Medical treatment can address symptoms of nonbacterial prostatitis only.

Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer, like other cancers, is marked by rapid, uncontrolled growth of irregular cells. Prostate Cancer frequency increases with age, but is not inevitable.  It is the most common cancer in U.S. men, and the second cause of cancer deaths in men. Many of these deaths are associated with very late diagnosis and treatment. Prostate cancer tends to begin in the outer portion of the prostate.

Sexually Transmitted Infections

Some sexually transmitted infections affect the urethra. These include but are not limited to gonorrhea, chlamydia and fungal infections. The urethra runs directly through the prostate, so chronic infections of the urethra can be dangerous to prostate health. Chronic urethral infections can also create scar tissue in the urethra, making urination painful or difficult. Many STIs are treatable, so it is advisable to seek immediate assistance if you suspect a urinary tract infection or a sexually transmitted infection.

Power Foods

The human body needs a wide spectrum of food sources to stay healthy and thrive. Choosing a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy proteins will maximize your opportunity to get the best fuels for your body. Prostate health is supported by a variety of different power foods. There are many doctor-recommended diets designed specifically to support prostate health. Here are the five essential families of food that support prostate health, based on current research. Choose your favorites from these five families and you are well on your way to providing your body fuel for optimal health and performance.

Selenium Rich Food

Selenium Rich Foods for Prostate Health

The mineral selenium promotes the abundance of glutathione peroxidase, an antioxidant that is being heavily researched for its role in prostate health. Selenium may also slow tumor growth by increasing immune cell activity and suppressing the development of blood vessels in cancer tumors. Enjoy selenium rich foods such as fish and shellfish, brazil nuts and garlic.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous Vegetables for Prostate Health

All cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage and beets, contain a compound called sulforaphane. While fruits and vegetables contain vital antioxidants, the body also produces it’s own antioxidants. Eating sulforaphane activates production of these native antioxidants, powerful compounds that reduce inflammation, repair oxidative damage and remove carcinogens. Broccoli sprouts are the richest source of sulforaphane.


Polyphenol Rich Foods for Prostate Health

Polyphenols are a group of antioxidants found in plants. Flavonoids are a subdivided group of polyphenols, and are found in abundance in soy, red wine, pomegranate and cranberries. Polyphenols are cancer preventing powerhouses with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. Soy contains flavonoids and also plays an important role in balancing hormones, essential for lifelong prostate health.

Lycopene Rich Foods

Lycopene Rich Foods for Prostate Health

Lycopene is a carotenoid pigment, a phytochemical that gives fruits and vegetables their vibrant colors, especially red. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant and has specific anti-cancer properties. It has been shown to be particularly crucial in preventing and fighting prostate cancer. Cooked tomatoes are your best source of lycopene, but also look for bright red foods such as berries. Eating lycopene rich foods with healthy fats, such as olive oil or avocado dramatically increases absorption rates.


Pelvic Stretching

Pelvic Stretching For Sexual PerformanceOverall fitness and sexual performance are closely linked. The more you can do to take care of your body, the better you’ll feel in bed.

One way you can unlock more pleasure is to take up a regular stretching routine. Here are a few great stretches that target the pelvic muscles to get you started!

Standing Forward Bend:

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Bend
forward at the waist, keeping your back flat and your knees straight but not
locked. Bend forward as far as is comfortable. Take three deep breaths as
you hold the stretch and then slowly roll up. Repeat this stretch three times,
and notice the effects of this simple movement.


With your legs wider than shoulder distance, slowly descend into a
squat. Do this stretch against a wall if you need support for balance. Come
as deep into the squat as is comfortable for you, and then hold this stretch
for three to five breaths. Try slowly increasing the duration you hold this

Hip Rotations:

Using a support for balance if needed, bring all of your
weight onto one leg. Raise the other leg and draw big circles with your knee.
After three to five breaths, switch sides. Notice if there is a difference from
one leg to the other.

Knees to Chest:

Laying flat on the floor, slowly draw one knee to your
chest. After stretching both legs individually, bring both knees to your chest
together and take three deep breaths. Bring your legs down slowly and
repeat if desired. Start gently and with commitment to daily practice, you
may notice greater flexibility and ease of movement.

Spinal Twist:

Lay comfortably on your back, bring one knee up and plant
your foot on the outside of the opposite leg. Then drop the bent knee
towards the floor, twisting your lower body while keeping your shoulders flat
on the ground. You can rest this knee on a pillow or blanket if this is more
comfortable for you. After three breaths, bring your hips back to center,
straighten both legs, and then repeat on the other side. See if you can drop
deeper into this stretch with each exhale..

Seated Forward Bend:

Sit comfortably with a straight back and your legs in
a V in front of you. Take a breath in, and as you exhale, bend forward from
your hips. Keep your back as straight as possible and stretch forward
towards your toes. Go as far as is comfortable, and then hold this stretch for
three breaths. Sit up slowly, take a deep breath in, and repeat. You can also
try this stretch with your legs crossed in front of you. Bend slowly over your
legs and notice the stretch in your pelvis and lower back. This stretch opens
the hips and spine, and tones and stimulates the abdominals and pelvic floor.

Partnered Prostate Massage

Exploring prostate massage with your lover can be an incredibly hot addition to your sex life. It doesn’t have to replace any of the sex you are already having – think of it instead as a really hot addition to your sex life.

The experience of prostate massage for the man is clear: intense pleasure and mind-blowing orgasms.

But what about the partner? What is in it for her?

Many women love the experience of giving prostate massage. It can be really pleasurable to relax and focus entirely on giving your lover as much pleasure as he can handle! It is a huge turn-on to see him so aroused, writing in pleasure with every stroke you give him.

Some women love the experience of being inside – slipping a finger inside can be so intimate and really enhance the trust in your relationship!

Couples report that adding prostate massage to their sex life also has unexpected sexual benefits – including making HIM a better lover! Once he experiences the erotic act of being penetrated, he all of a sudden will become much more compassionate and patient when it is his turn to penetrate during intercourse or anal sex. He’ll slow down and take his time rather than rush on in! SO many women have told us that their entire sex life improved once they explored prostate massage!

So if you are on the fence about whether or not to try prostate massage, we encourage you to go for it! There are so many potential benefits to your sex life!

Discover everything you need to know to enjoy partnered prostate massage in our online course, Prostate Massage Mastery.


Benefits of Prostate Massage

Prostate massage is a healthy and pleasurable activity that can be enjoyed as part of your sex life. There are both health and erotic benefits to prostate massage, making it the best erotic activity to add to your sex repertoire!

Quite simply, prostate massage stimulates the prostate with a finger or massage tool with the intention of relaxation and/or pleasure. Prostate massage is an intimate skill that can be learned and shared by lovers in the privacy of their own home. Ready to explore prostate massage? Discover everything you need to know in our Prostate Massage Mastery Online Course!


What Is The Prostate?

The prostate is a gland, located just below the bladder and sheathed in the musculature of the pelvic floor, the same muscles that contract during orgasm and ejaculation. The urethra runs from the bladder, directly through the prostate gland and out through the penis. The prostate gland plays a central role in the male sexual system. Within the gland, tiny ducts called acini produce prostatic fluid. This fluid mixes with sperm and fluid from the seminal vesicles to become the male ejaculate. Prostate health is essential for lifelong sexual pleasure and function.

Why Is Prostate Massage Healthy?

Regular ejaculations keep the prostate healthy by stimulating production of fresh prostatic fluid and bringing fresh blood to the area. Fresh blood flow brings the nutrients and oxygen cells needed to remain healthy and replicate normally. White blood cells are immune-system powerhouses, fighting infections at the cellular level. The prostate is more likely to become infected or cancerous when blood flow is constricted from muscular tension and lack of stimulation.

Prostate massage manually stimulates the prostate gland, flushing fluid from the gland and encouraging blood flow to the entire pelvis. This can be a highly stimulating or profoundly relaxing experience. As an added bonus, releasing chronic constriction in the pelvis can enhance erections by allowing more blood flow into the penis during arousal. Some men notice dramatic changes in their erectile function after exploring prostate massage.

Prostate massage is only one part of a healthy lifestyle. You may be hearing a lot about things like lycopene and phytoestrogens- plant compounds that are currently a hot topic in medical research. Studies are taking a close look at the exact actions and potential of food-based compounds and the early findings are very promising. Prostate health is supported by those foods with anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and hormone balancing properties. A healthy diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards supporting lifelong prostate health.

Ready to unlock the benefits of prostate massage? Join our online course, Prostate Massage Mastery!